Can I get a refund or resell my tickets?

Ticket refund requests will be assessed on a case by case basis. If you would like to request a refund, log into your Eventbrite booking online and request your refund.
Our team will action your request within a few days. If you would like to sell your tickets, you can do this on Tixel.


Will there be tickets for sale on the door?

Unless the show is sold out already, there will be tickets available for sale on the door.


Are under 18s allowed at the shows?

As a licensed venue, you must be 18 or older to attend Something For Kate, Christmas Eve Eve, New Year’s Eve and OURFRIENDS Day Party. For Pete Murray and January Music Month, under 18s must be with a parental guardian at all times.


Will there be transport available?

Yes, we will be running buses to Sorrento, Blairgowrie and Rye every half hour from 9.30pm for each event. Plus, once the shows are finished, there will be some services to Rosebud. Please note, there will be no buses transporting people to Portsea to attend the shows.


Is there accommodation available at the hotel?

Yes, there is accommodation available at Portsea Hotel, but early bookings are highly recommended as rooms are limited.


Will the pub be open for lunch and dinner?

Yes, on event days the kitchen will be open as normal from 11.30am – 3pm. During the shows the kitchen will be serving a reduced menu with pizzas, burgers and chips until late. For January Live Music Month, our full menu will be available all day during regular trading hours.


Got another question?
Give us a call on (03) 5984 2213